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The War Against Electric Vehicles David Glynne Jones

The War Against Electric Vehicles

David Glynne Jones

Sunday 27 October at 3.00pm

Manning Clark House, Tasmania Circle, Forrest

In the sixth presentation of the Energy Transition 2024 series, David Glynne Jones

will report on the global campaign to disrupt and delay the adoption of electric

vehicles. His report will focus on the comparative emissions, energy and

economic performance of electric, hybrid and combustion vehicles, and the

motivations, methods and key players in the campaign against electric vehicles.

Future presentations in the Energy Transition 2024 series will include land use

and environmental impacts, energy resource stewardship and the circular energy

economy, and China’s energy revolution.

David is an independent advocate for the adoption of renewable energy and electrification

across all sectors of the Australian economy. He is currently assessing the implications of

emerging advanced battery technology for electrification of the Australian transport sector.

There will be a Q&A session following the presentation, then light refreshments.

MCH members $15; Concession (Gov’t support and full-time students) $15; Non-members $20

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MCH Poetry Group - Unclassified: Paul Munden and Shane Strange in conversation

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