Profits over people: Australia’s housing crisis (and what we can do about it) - Richard Denniss
Wednesday, 17 July, 6pm
Australian Institute of Architects - 2a Mugga Way, Red Hill, Canberra
Australia is in the grip of a housing crisis, with rents and house prices soaring increasingly out of reach. The debate over what to do about it has been mired with obscurity, and for the most part, Government response has been piecemeal at best. How did we get here? And what can be done?
Join Richard Denniss as he unpacks the simple solutions at the disposal of governments, and why we haven’t done it yet.
This event is a collaboration between Manning Clark House Inc., The Australia Institute and the Australian Institute of Architects. It inaugurates a program of activities on housing issues Manning Clark House will be offering through the second half of 2024.
There will be a Q&A session following the presentation, then light refreshments
MCH members $15; concession (Gov’t Support and full-time students) $15; Non-members $20